Mwilu, Lwanga. “Street children’s film premieres at American Centre.” Education Post: Lifestyle, December 2, 2006.
Read More“Building Libraries for African Children," Reading Today
The Lubuto Library Project is featured in the journal of the International Reading Association, with information on how readers can help.
“Guru Interview: Jane Meyers, the Lubuto Library Project turns the lights on,”,Emerald LibraryLink Newsletter (PDF)
Jane Meyers is interviewed in Emerald LibraryLink to talk about the purpose behind the Lubuto Library Project and its progress to date.
“Return to Zambia: Did You Know?” National Geographic
National Geographic, in its “Return to Zambia” feature, discusses the impact of HIV/AIDS on children in Zambia. The library at the Fountain of Hope Children’s Shelter is identified as a place of learning and hope for these children.
“A special librarian with a special mission: the Lubuto Library Project,” Emerald Library Link, Knowledge and Networks, monthly e-newsletter, July 2005 (PDF)
An interview with Jane Kinney Meyers, featuring photographs of the prototype for the Lubuto Library.
“Fountain of Hope: how a makeshift library in Zambia won a battle against AIDS and Poverty,” Emerald Library Link, Knowledge and Networks, monthly e-newsletter, July 2005 (PDF)
Jane Kinney Meyers discusses the early history of the Lubuto Library Project.
“Hope Continues in Zambia,” American Libraries (PDF)
A little over a year after her feature in American Libraries, Jane Kinney Meyers updates readers the progress of the Lubuto Library Project.
“One Librarian’s Fight Against AIDS,” American Libraries (PDF)
Jane Kinney Meyers writes a feature in the magazine of the American Library Association documenting her work in founding the library at the Fountain of Hope Children’s Shelter and the Lubuto Library Project.